Company Messaging: The Importance of Getting Your Story Straight

In the fast paced world of… just kidding. But life and business does move pretty fast these days, there are more ideas, products, services swirling around than ever before. Competition is fierce in every industry and the internet is saturated with content on every platform. Fully saturated and honestly, overflowing.

So your company’s voice needs to ring clear and true. But what happens when that voice cracks, wavers, or worse, contradicts itself? Welcome to the world of company messaging, come on in, the water’s crystal clear as long as your story is.


Why Your Story Matters

Imagine you’re at your favourite coffee shop, you order an iced coffee with oat milk off the menu, but the barista gives you a funny look, because internally they call them iceberg lattes, and they only do almond milk; they just haven’t got round to updating the menu. But the coffee is incredible so you don’t think any more about it, until you’re chatting with your friend and they say ‘oh you mean their glacial grind? I saw it on their TikTok but I thought it was with hazelnut milk?!’.


That’s exactly how your audience feels when your company messaging isn’t cohesive, the dots just aren’t dotting.

Your company’s story is more than just its ‘about us’ page, it’s your brand’s heart and soul. It’s what sets you apart in a sea of sameness, what makes customers choose you over your competitors, and what turns first-time buyers into lifelong brand devotees.


The Perils of Mixed Brand Messaging

When your messaging is inconsistent, you’re essentially asking your audience to solve a puzzle. And while we can get behind puzzles on a cosy Autumn evening, your audience won’t appreciate being forced to do mental gymnastics when they’re trying to understand what your company does or why they should care. They’ll give up before the first piece even slots into place.

Side effects of inconsistent messaging include:

See it, say it, sort it

Getting Your Story Straight

So, how do you make sure your company’s story is clear, consistent, and halfway compelling? Glad you asked:

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What’s your company’s reason for being? What problem do you solve? Distil this into a clear, concise umbrella statement that can guide all your communications.
Understanding who you’re talking to helps you nail down your message without losing its soul – in other words, your story shouldn’t change, but how you tell it might.
Develop a document, like a message house, that outlines your key messages, brand voice, and communication guidelines. This will become your company’s messaging bible.
Check in with your team to make sure everyone understands, and can articulate, your core message. From C Suite to the newest intern, everyone should be on the same page.
Whether it’s your website, social media, or a press release, your messaging should stay consistent but relevant to each platform
As your company grows, your messaging may need to evolve. But evolution doesn’t mean starting from scratch—it means building on your existing messaging and shifting.


The Power of a Clear Message

When you get your story straight, the magic happens. Customers understand you better. Employees become more engaged. Media coverage becomes more accurate. And your brand? It’s not just recognisable, but memorable.

It's not always the loudest voice that gets heard -

– it’s the clearest. So take the time to craft your message, hone your story, and check everyone in your team can tell it with confidence.

Because if you don’t tell your story, someone else will. And they might not get it right.

If this is overwhelming, we get it. Give us a shout and we can book a message house; our very own secret to brand messaging success.