Big Deck Energy: How to create compelling investor decks to win over investors!

Investor deck, pitch deck, slide deck – whatever you call it, a compelling deck can make ALL the difference when pitching to investors.

In today’s competitive business landscape, investment, buy-in, and support are crucial for success and growth. However, the process of securing investment is not always easy, as investors have high expectations, lack time, and receive multiple pitches.

So how do you stand out from the crowd?

Big. DECK. Energy. 

On average, an investor spends a mere 2 minutes and 30 seconds looking at a pitch deck, according to DocSend! That’s not a whole lot of time when you’ve painstakingly put together your stat-heavy, data-loaded deck. So every second counts. 

Before you weep at that stark, cold stat, there are several things to consider when trying to be seen and heard by investors in a world of competitors. 

What's the business benefit?

  1. Clarity. A critical component of a compelling investor deck. Investors receive countless pitches and don’t have the time or patience to sift through convoluted or confusing information. This is where the importance of clear and concise messaging comes in. Your deck should clearly communicate your value proposition, target market, business model, and financial projections in a way that is easy to understand. Make it clear who you are and what you’re about. 
  2. Relevance. Information should be relevant to the investors’ interests, priorities, and their part in the overall picture. It should easily explain how the investment will generate a return and the risks and challenges associated with the opportunity. Use data visualisation such as charts, graphs and anything that helps to highlight the key stats that will grab their attention. Stick to the headlines.
  3. Credibility. Do your research. In the pitch world, there is nothing more horrifying than poor or out-of-date research. You don’t want to be quizzed on irrelevant stats. Make sure your deck is well-researched and backed by the latest and most credible data and evidence. Don’t forget to include your team’s credentials too!  Oh, and any climate claims – but be mindful of greenwashing! 

First impressions matter

+ Design

A well-designed deck can also help businesses establish credibility and trust with investors. First impressions really do count. According to a study by the University of Southern California, people form judgments about a website’s credibility within 50 milliseconds of viewing it. Snap judgments, wrong impressions, and assumptions are but milliseconds away. A poorly designed deck can immediately undermine a business’s credibility and make it more difficult to secure investment. 

Advice from our lead designer, Georgia Masters, 

“The simpler the design, the bigger the impact. Remember, white space is your friend.”

Go with the flow – If you have some slides with loads of information and others with very little, this can not only disrupt the flow of the presentation but can also be overwhelming to your audience (especially if you tend to speed through your presentations).

Tip: Don’t be scared to split out information over 2 (or even 3 slides) to prevent information overload and allow your audience time to absorb the information!

To transition or not to transition – We all love a good transition, but sometimes less is more. Remember to use your transitions sparingly and only if they don’t distract from the overall message.

Tip: Try to stick to your favourite 2-3 transitions and use them sparingly.

+ Branding

Another key component of a compelling investor deck. A strong brand can help businesses establish a memorable and recognisable identity. A well-branded deck should incorporate your logo, colour scheme, and overall aesthetic to create a cohesive and professional look and feel. This should also be consistent across the rest of your business touchpoints (website/LinkedIn/email). With 65% of the population being visual learners, a well-crafted and visually appealing deck can help grab their attention and keep them engaged. 

+ Messaging

Investors want to see a story that ties together the company’s mission, opportunity, market, product, competition, team, and financials. Consider your tone of voice, attention-grabbing info and engaging content. And don’t forget that all-important call to action. An actionable CTA is vital; clarify the next steps and how your potential investor can keep that momentum going. Oh, and keep that messaging in easy-to-read typography! 

Shout loud

The world of investment is a noisy one, so you want to be seen and heard. Loud and clear. By focusing on design, clarity, and branding, businesses can create investor decks that are not only informative but also visually appealing and memorable. In a competitive market, a compelling investor deck can make all the difference in securing the investment needed to grow and succeed.

If you want to chat through how we can support you with deck design, drop us a message here and let’s see how we can take this off your plate. 


Want to polish up your pitch

See how our design team can help.

Flat lay of one of The Typeface Group's deck designs, one of our design services.
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