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Considered Web Content, Digital Footprint & Your Rankings.

According to online carbon calculator Website Carbon, the average website produces 1.76g of CO2 for every page view. And so our advice is don’t waste your energy churning mediocre blog posts & articles.

Reduce the amount of ‘filler’ content produced (often produced when chasing a prescriptive number of posts.)

Reuse high-quality, authoritative content across your channels for maximum value.

Recycle ageing but relevant posts with rewrites to rejuvenate & update.

If you have an ageing blog with a huge archive, here are our top 3 content considerations when completing a review.

1. What posts are producing good results/conversions? Use this as a consideration to feed in ideas to your content strategy moving forward.

2. Which posts have traditionally been fruitful in terms of engagement but may need updating? IMPORTANT – if you have a seasonal post, make sure you review & update the existing post rather than delete or archive & recreate it. Don’t lose the link juice!

3. How are people engaging with your content? Do you have a hero piece funnelling huge amounts of traffic but with zero conversions?

You have two choices here: Remove & redirect OR optimise the page for conversion:

If the blog is still relevant to your offering, you can optimise it in several ways:

1. Make sure your calls to action are very clear.

2. Place an offer or hook on the page e.g. download a white paper, get our latest research

3. Review the content and make sure it’s easy to digest.

4. Offer up further relevant reading

5. Remove any huge images that may be slowing down page loading times & impacting user experience.

6. Make sure your content is fully accessible.

How a good website content review can help your rankings.

The new Google update MUM is set to really separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to web content.

MUM promises to streamline the search process, removing the need for multiple searches and even breakdown language barriers. (Now we get the name…)

Using AI, MUM will be able to serve users with the exact answers to their questions and be able to do so from sites across the globe, regardless of the language the sites are written in. Now your competition in the rankings just got a whole lot bigger.

While there is no crystal ball and dates aren’t set in stone, one thing is certain; quality authoritative content is more important than ever. And if you’re not already using structured data to send clues to Google about your content, get on it.

So if you’re planning/budgeting your comms for the next year, I’d say authoritative, useful website content is a safe bet!

More hands on deck

Agile Marketing Support

Do you need an agile team to assist with your marketing? From stakeholder comms to newsletters, design assets to online content,  there’s certainly a lot to cover. A flexi-extension of your team to ease that burden sounds pretty good right now, doesn’t it?

Venerate Solutions website shown on a laptop screen that sites on a wooden desk.