Creating a killer content distribution plan

You can spend countless hours creating amazing content, pour your heart and soul into blog posts, videos and graphics; but if you’re not getting that content in front of your target audience, what’s the point? It’s the ultimate ‘does a falling tree even make a noise’ analogy. Because as busy marketers if there’s one thing we refuse, point blank, to do, it’s to waste our own time.

But in the grand content lifecycle hitting publish is just the first step. You need an intentional distribution strategy to ensure your brilliant content actually reaches the customers and prospects you created it for. That’s why this blog is going to dive into the ins and outs of crafting a killer content distribution plan.

We’re going to cover 4 key considerations to maximise the reach and impact of every single piece of content:

Sound like exactly what you need? Let’s get into it…

Know Thy Audience

Where do your potential customers hang out online? Which social platforms do they frequent? Which industry publications or blogs do they read?

Get clear on the channels your audience uses, and focus your distribution efforts there.

As fun as it is, there’s no point trying to keep up with the TikTok algorithm if your customers are all spending their time on LinkedIn.

So do some research to identify the key social platforms, blogs, online communities and publications they frequent.

There are a few good ways to uncover those digital hangouts:

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Take a look at your existing customer data like website analytics, email lists and social media audience insights. Mine that info for demographic and psychographic clues about their interests and digital habits.
Check out what channels your competition is leveraging to reach similar audiences using tools like SimilarWeb, Sparktoro and BuzzSumo.
Use a bit of old fashioned Google sleuthing to search for niche blogs, forums and online communities related to your industry. See where the conversations are happening organically.
If you have the bandwidth, create audience surveys and polls asking directly about their online preferences and activities. Offer an incentive like a discount to increase participation (if appropriate for your brand!)
The more quantitative and qualitative data you can gather about your target audience’s digital behaviours, the smarter you can be about focusing your distribution efforts. And the great news is that, once you’ve done this initial research, it’s applicable across future content too; unless you do a dramatic 180 in your business!

Decide your distribution channels

Once you’ve done the detective work it’s time to apply your findings to your distribution strategy. Make sure you tailor your approach to each channel you pick, it’s time to jump through some hoops!


Get Social

Your content deserves more than just a brief link post on social media. Create eye-catching visuals, write compelling captions, and use relevant hashtags to increase its chances of being shared, engaged with… and discovered in the first place!

Consider running social media ads, if it’s within your budget, to boost high-performing organic posts and expand your reach even further.


Build an email list

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. Use lead magnets and opt-in forms to build a quality email list. Your subscribers have actively raised their hands to receive your content – so don’t forget to deliver it straight to their inboxes on the regular.


Partner up

Partner with influential creators or experts in your industry, who have an engaged audience that aligns with your business goals (and ethics!). Maybe it’s guest posting on their blog or co-creating content together. Don’t overlook the influencer market, it’s not going anywhere.

Repurpose and Reoptimise

A single piece of content can take many forms – blog posts can become videos or infographics, which can then be sliced into social media snippets or email newsletters.

For example, let’s look at the lifecycle of this humble blog post. Its next job is to be a webinar script. That live webinar will then become a YouTube video, and those YouTube snippets will head over to TikTok and YouTube shorts. The webinar audio snippets will be used on LinkedIn. We’ll also create graphics from the webinar copy quotes, as well as any live Q&As that could make great content. The cascade of content from one single blog idea is massive. A blog post should never end its lifecycle on a web page. It’s got so much more to live for!

So, find creative ways to repackage your best stuff so you can distribute it on multiple channels and maximise its reach.

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Optimise videos for YouTube SEO by including target keywords in titles, descriptions and thumbnails. Add subtitles/closed captions too.
For blogs and website content, focus on on-page SEO best practices like internal linking, headings, meta descriptions and more.
Craft attention-grabbing subject lines paired with preview text that makes them want to click through. Optimise for inbox imagery and preheader text too.
Make sure your post copy and visuals are tailored for each platform’s unique specs, audience and algorithm.

Playing the long game

When it comes to content distribution, you have to play the long game. Keep in mind the 7/11/4 theory:

Before they’ll buy, a consumer needs 7 hours of engagement, across 11 touchpoints, in 4 separate locations. This is according to research done by Google on the buying behaviour of digital consumers.

So if we’re translating that into action, you could create 7 core content pieces like blogs, videos or webinars. Then repurpose each into 11 follow-up content interactions like social posts, email snippets, etc. Then distribute it all across 4 different channels minimum.

This approach reduces waste and maximises your content’s reach over time. Use data from tools like GA4 to continually analyse what’s driving results and double down on your top distribution channels.

Put it into practice

At the end of the day, an amazing content marketing strategy lives or dies by its distribution plan. By understanding your audience’s online habits, selecting the right channels, playing the long game with a sustainable approach, and optimising your content for each platform – you can make sure your hard work gets in front of the people that matter most. So don’t just hit publish and hope for the best. Get intentional about distributing your content to the right audiences in the right places. Your content deserves to be seen!
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Want to dive deeper into distribution and find out how to map your own distribution matrix?

Watch our recent webinar: Diligently Distributing Content: how to nail your distribution strategy & get your content seen

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